In Mid-January Cogent Steps taught a course to a group of students at Saint Louis University. The group is full of determined and committed students on their way to becoming future Physical Therapists. Students in the program commit to becoming Physical Therapists upon entry, making the six year commitment is a big decision, and they are a close knit hardworking group of individuals.
The group was one of the best Cogent Steps LLC. has ever worked with. They were all high energy and enthusiasm enjoying how hands on the EMR course was. Many students noted that they were treated as professionals, as the course is taught for “adult learning styles”, rather than high school style classroom learning.
The students were given real life situations to handle, the injuries presented are all likely to arise some in their sports medicine career.
Students described the class as “combined lecture/video/lab”, which allowed students to immediately practice the skills they had just watched. All comments from students about the class included praise for the way the instructor, Shelly Weinstein, was able to “tailor the class towards the audience she was teaching to.” Allowing every individual the best opportunity for success within the course. All students regarded the EMR course as helpful and as a valuable piece of training for their future career.