Dear EMR SIG and Residency and Fellowship SIG members:
This is to update you on some positive changes the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy (AASPT) has made with the organization of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The EMR SIG and Residency/Fellowship SIG have recently been merged into the newly formed Specialization SIG. This new structure will provide a more streamlined approach to utilization of resources to assist with successful accomplishment of SIG goals.
AASPT has selected the Leadership Team for the Specialization SIG as Craig Garrison as Chair and Brian Duncan as Vice Chair. Craig and Brian have been working diligently in communication with AASPT Executive Committee to develop a strategic plan to best align focused efforts of both SIGs to maximize efficiency. If you are attending CSM, please plan on attending the Business Meeting which has been scheduled for Saturday, 2/15/2020 (1-1:50pm).
Unfortunately, this newly formed SIG did not make the schedule so it is listed at the Residency and Fellowship SIG Business Meeting. If you are an EMR SIG member, please plan on attending this SIG Business Meeting as you will notice that there is no EMR SIG Business Meeting. If you are unable to attend CSM, there will be further communication during the upcoming year to convey further restructuring communications.
We are looking forward to the exciting changes coming as a result of this merger and the Leadership Team asks for patience as this will take time to get everything in smooth working order.
Erik Meira, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC
Representative at Large
Craig Garrison, PT, ATC, PhD
Specialization SIG Chair