ERA course hosts include hospitals, large and small practices, professional sports teams, universities, individual clinicians, and students. Hosts often choose to provide more than one type of course at a time. When this is the case, separate sites are used for each learning activity.
Emergency Response for the Athlete (ERA). The ERA course provides 20 continuing competency units (CCU) for PTs and 17.5 CCU (Cat A) for ATs upon successful completion. The course satisfies the ABPTS Acute Management of Injury and Illness requirement for qualification for the Sports Clinical Specialty. It is comprised of a didactic self-paced portion completed online, followed by in-person learning. The in-person portion is taught over a two-day period. The cost is $385.00 for students and $605.00 for professionals. The certification is good for three years.
Emergency Response for the Athlete Recertification. The ERA Recertification course consists of three online modules focusing on specific sports topics followed by a one-day hands on practical based course.
We offer both open and closed courses. The open course registration is available to the public, enabling participation from outside of the hosting organization. Cogent Steps manages administrative support, advertising, registration, certificate production, assignment of instructor(s), instruction materials and equipment, travel, housing, food, etc.
Registration for the closed course is available only to those who are specifically invited by the host. In this case, either the host coordinates registration and billing in consultation with Cogent Steps or the host distributes a password to potential registrants. The former process is generally completed three weeks prior to the course date. Payment must be received at least 14 days prior to the start of the course. For closed courses, Cogent Steps will be responsible for administrative support, certificate production, assignment of instructor(s), and instructional materials and equipment.
We offer a hosting incentive payment for our multi-day courses – for each course that has at least 15 registrants, the host receives $230.00 (paid within three weeks after the course concludes).
Hosts are encouraged to schedule a course at least 10 weeks in advance for optimum advertising, planning, and attendance numbers (we can schedule up to three years in advance).
A course must have at least 12 students registered two weeks prior to the scheduled date(s) to avoid rescheduling or cancellation. The host may opt to provide financial compensation for the additional number of students to bring the total to 12. (This is a rare occurrence and is addressed in close consultation and coordination with the host.)
- A conference room set up as classroom style with AV equipment (projector to which we will connect a laptop via VGA or HDMI and a screen or surface on which to project)
- Enough space to perform practical application instruction including CPR and spine boarding
- Two fully-rigged spine boards per 15 students
- An E-series or smaller portable oxygen delivery system (does NOT need to be charged)
There is no fee for the host. Costs are covered by registration fees.
Contact Reid or Shelly at Cogent Steps at (703) 971-4834, or email us at reid.bessenger@gmail.com or mlweinstein@cogentsteps.net